Sunday, April 11, 2010

Tata Nano owner seeks compensation

Tata Nano owner is seeking Rs 15lacs (1.5million) from Tata Motors as compensation for his new Tata Nano that caught fire on the day of purchase.
Details at DNA link
Response from Tata has not been very supportive or encouraging to their customers. We do not have a strong regulator like transport safety administrators in USA or Europe and Auto companies take quality and safety very lightly. Instead of just focusing on emission norms of vehicles it is high time that an empowered regulatory agency is formed which provides guidance on and monitors road and vehicle safety issues.

- Neeraj

1 comment:

Johnmark1478 said...

While doing this work they have faced with a huge problem and they can not get rid of this now.But on the other hand taking some time they will be able to solve this at once.So i wanna wish them good luck.

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